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411 University St, Seattle


Guide for Parents

Sending your child abroad for studies is a significant milestone filled with mixed emotions. At Edway, we recognize the pivotal role parents play in this journey and provide comprehensive support to ensure a smooth transition. Here’s how parents can navigate this journey:

Understand and Support

Engage in open conversations about your child's aspirations and motivations for studying abroad.

In-depth Research

Familiarize yourself with the prospective courses, universities, and the cultural milieu of the host country.

Financial Planning

Beyond tuition, account for living expenses, travel, health insurance, and other incidental costs. Edway's counselors are here to assist in crafting a realistic budget and financial plan.

Health and Safety

Ensure your child undergoes a thorough health check-up, understands their medical needs, and has a comprehensive travel insurance plan in place.


Establish a balanced communication routine using various platforms, respecting their independence while ensuring their safety and well-being.

Emergency Preparedness

Keep a list of emergency contacts, including the university's helpdesk, local friends or relatives, and ensure your child is aware of the local emergency services. At Edway, we are committed to making this transition as seamless and positive as possible, not just for the student but for the entire family.

Looking for Study or Work Abroad?

We welcome and celebrate different perspectives to help our firm, our clients and our people.