GPC1 is highly expressed in esophagogastric cell lines. (A) Real time... | Download Scientific Diagram
The mechanisms underlying the enrichment and action of glypican-1-positive exosomes in colorectal cancer cells - ScienceDirect
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Immuno-PET and Targeted α-Therapy Using Anti–Glypican-1 Antibody Labeled with 89Zr or 211At: A Theranostic Approach for Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma | Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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Pan-cancer analysis and the oncogenic role of Glypican 1 in hepatocellular carcinoma | Scientific Reports
Inhibition of glypican-1 expression induces an activated fibroblast phenotype in a human bone marrow-derived stromal cell-line | Scientific Reports
GPC1 is highly expressed in esophagogastric cell lines. (A) Real time... | Download Scientific Diagram
The mechanisms underlying the enrichment and action of glypican-1-positive exosomes in colorectal cancer cells - ScienceDirect
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Immuno-PET and Targeted α-Therapy Using Anti–Glypican-1 Antibody Labeled with 89Zr or 211At: A Theranostic Approach for Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma | Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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Pan-cancer analysis and the oncogenic role of Glypican 1 in hepatocellular carcinoma | Scientific Reports
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Frontiers | The Glypican-1/HGF/C-Met and Glypican-1/VEGF/VEGFR2 Ternary Complexes Regulate Hair Follicle Angiogenesis
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Pan-cancer analysis and the oncogenic role of Glypican 1 in hepatocellular carcinoma | Scientific Reports
Full article: Clinical development of an anti-GPC-1 antibody for the treatment of cancer
Anti-glypican-1 antibody–drug conjugate is a potential therapy against pancreatic cancer | British Journal of Cancer
GPC-1 modulates signaling pathways in cancer progression. The HS side... | Download Scientific Diagram